200+ Voice Change Exercise With Answers [Active to Passive Voice]

In active voice sentences, the subject performs the action of the verb. It emphasizes the doer of the action. And in passive voice sentences,

Voice is one of important topics in English grammar. In exams, many questions are asked, so it's crucial for students to learn this. In this article, we provides you "200+ Voice Change Exercises With Answers".

What is Active Voice and Passive Voice?

Active Voice

In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action. For example: "She (subject) eats (action) the apple."

Passive Voice

In passive voice, the subject of the sentence receives the action. For example: "The apple (subject) is eaten (action) by her."

So, the key difference is in who or what is doing the action. In active voice, the subject does the action, while in passive voice, the subject receives the action.

200+ Voice Change Exercise With Answers [Active to Passive Voice]
200+ Voice Change Exercise With Answers [Active to Passive Voice]

200+ Voice Change Exercise With Answers

Active Voice Passive Voice
She eats an apple. An apple is eaten by her.
They built the house. The house was built by them.
He wrote the book. The book was written by him.
I will finish the project. The project will be finished by me.
She is making a cake. A cake is being made by her.
They have repaired the car. The car has been repaired by them.
The teacher teaches the students. The students are taught by the teacher.
He painted the picture. The picture was painted by him.
They are cooking dinner. Dinner is being cooked by them.
The cat chased the mouse. The mouse was chased by the cat.
We can solve the problem. The problem can be solved by us.
She will clean the room. The room will be cleaned by her.
They have sung a song. A song has been sung by them.
He repairs the bike. The bike is repaired by him.
The chef is preparing the meal. The meal is being prepared by the chef.
They have booked a table at the restaurant. A table has been booked by them at the restaurant.
She was singing a song. A song was being sung by her.
He repaired the roof. The roof was repaired by him.
The teacher is explaining the lesson. The lesson is being explained by the teacher.
They will release a new album. A new album will be released by them.
She has completed the project. The project has been completed by her.
They sang a beautiful song. A beautiful song was sung by them.
He will fix the computer. The computer will be fixed by him.
The artist is creating a masterpiece. A masterpiece is being created by the artist.
They had already sold the tickets. The tickets had already been sold by them.
She has written a letter. A letter has been written by her.
He was driving the car. The car was being driven by him.
The team won the championship. The championship was won by the team.
We watched a movie last night. A movie was watched by us last night.
She will announce the winner. The winner will be announced by her.
They have chosen a new leader. A new leader has been chosen by them.
He caught the ball. The ball was caught by him.
The chef prepared a delicious meal. A delicious meal was prepared by the chef.
They will send the package tomorrow. The package will be sent by them tomorrow.
She painted a beautiful landscape. A beautiful landscape was painted by her.
He will post the letter. The letter will be posted by him.
The company hired a new employee. A new employee was hired by the company.
They are discussing the plan. The plan is being discussed by them.
She was singing a lullaby. A lullaby was being sung by her.
He has booked a hotel room. A hotel room has been booked by him.
The dog chased the cat. The cat was chased by the dog.
They have launched a new website. A new website has been launched by them.
She will cook dinner tonight. Dinner will be cooked by her tonight.
He repaired the bicycle. The bicycle was repaired by him.
The teacher is explaining the concept. The concept is being explained by the teacher.
They will send the invitations. The invitations will be sent by them.
She planted a tree. A tree was planted by her.
He will deliver the speech. The speech will be delivered by him.
The team played a great game. A great game was played by the team.
They were discussing the issue. The issue was being discussed by them.
She has drawn a beautiful picture. A beautiful picture has been drawn by her.
He will write a report. A report will be written by him.
The artist created a masterpiece. A masterpiece was created by the artist.
They have adopted a new policy. A new policy has been adopted by them.
She will bake cookies. Cookies will be baked by her.
He composed a beautiful song. A beautiful song was composed by him.
The company produces high-quality products. High-quality products are produced by the company.
They had already solved the problem. The problem had already been solved by them.
She will announce the results. The results will be announced by her.
He invented a new gadget. A new gadget was invented by him.
The team won the match. The match was won by the team.
They were cleaning the house. The house was being cleaned by them.
She has written a novel. A novel has been written by her.
He will perform the magic trick. The magic trick will be performed by him.
The artist painted a mural. A mural was painted by the artist.
They have made a decision. A decision has been made by them.
She will tell a story. A story will be told by her.
He solved the mystery. The mystery was solved by him.
The company is manufacturing cars. Cars are manufactured by the company.
They are organizing a party. A party is being organized by them.
She was designing a website. A website was being designed by her.
He has taken the photograph. The photograph has been taken by him.
The team played the final match. The final match was played by the team.
They will conduct the interview. The interview will be conducted by them.
She had already written the report. The report had already been written by her.
He will announce the winner. The winner will be announced by him.
The chef prepared a delicious meal. A delicious meal was prepared by the chef.
They were discussing the plan. The plan was being discussed by them.
She has painted a beautiful portrait. A beautiful portrait has been painted by her.
He will send the email. The email will be sent by him.
The company has launched a new product. A new product has been launched by the company.

Change Active Voice into Passive Voice Exercises

Easy Exercises

1. Change the following active voice sentences into passive voice:
  • She bakes a cake.
  • They will complete the project.
  • He wrote a letter.
  • The cat chased the mouse.
  • We eat dinner at 7 PM.
2. Rewrite these sentences in passive voice:
  • The teacher explains the lesson.
  • They have painted the fence.
  • I will post the package tomorrow.
  • She made a delicious meal.
  • He caught the ball.

Moderate Exercises

1. Convert the following active voice sentences into passive voice:
  • They are building a new bridge.
  • She has composed a beautiful song.
  • He is solving the puzzle.
  • The chef will prepare a special dish.
  • We watched a thrilling movie last night.
2. Rewrite these sentences in passive voice:
  • The company designs websites.
  • He was discussing the plan.
  • They are organizing a grand event.
  • She has already written the report.
  • We will announce the results soon.

Challenge Exercises

1. Change the following active voice sentences into passive voice:
  • The scientists discovered a new species.
  • She had invented a revolutionary device.
  • They are conducting a crucial experiment.
  • He will present the findings at the conference.
  • We witnessed an extraordinary performance.

2. Rewrite these sentences in passive voice:
  • The company manufactures high-end cars.
  • She is developing a groundbreaking software.
  • He had already made a significant contribution.
  • They are planning to launch a new satellite.
  • The chef prepared a five-course meal.

Read it: How to change common noun to proper noun?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is active voice and passive voice?
In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action. For example: "She (subject) reads (action) a book." In passive voice, the subject of the sentence receives the action. For example: "A book (subject) is read (action) by her."

2. How do you change active voice to passive voice?
To change active voice to passive voice, you typically:
  1. Move the object of the active sentence to the subject position.
  2. Use a form of the verb "to be" (e.g., is, was, has been) with the main verb.
  3. Add the past participle form of the main verb.
  4. Optionally, include the agent (the doer of the action) with "by."
For example:
Active: "She eats the apple."
Passive: "The apple is eaten by her."

3. What are 10 examples of passive voice?
Here are 10 examples of passive voice sentences:
  1. The cake was baked by my mother.
  2. A new song is being sung by the girl.
  3. The letter has been written by Krishna.
  4. The book will be read by the students.
  5. The house was painted by the workers.
  6. The movie was watched by millions of people.
  7. The report had already been submitted.
  8. The game will be played tomorrow.
  9. A mistake was made in the calculation.
  10. The award was won by the talented actress.
4. What is the formula for passive voice?
The formula for passive voice is:
[Object] + [Form of the verb "to be"] + [Past Participle] + [By + Agent (optional)]
For example: "The book (object) was (form of "to be") written (past participle) by John (agent)."


Voice in grammar refers to the relationship between the subject and the verb in a sentence. It determines whether the subject is the doer of the action (active voice) or the receiver of the action (passive voice). In active voice sentences, the subject performs the action of the verb. It emphasizes the doer of the action.
And in passive voice sentences, the subject receives the action of the verb. It emphasizes the recipient of the action. 

In today's article, we've seen "200+ Voice Change Exercise With Answers". I hope, you found it interesting and learned something new. Don't forget to share this article with your friends. Thanks for reading :)

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Hey everyone, I'm Ganesh Kumar! I'm all about money matters, from stocks and mutual funds to making money online. I've been figuring them out for 4 years, and I love sharing what I learn through my journey! Sometimes I even throw in so…

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