Parts of Speech - 8 Types, Definitions, Examples and 10 Sentences

Parts of speech are labels to words based on their role in a sentence. 8 different parts of speech are: - Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb...

Understanding parts of speech is crucial to master the English language. Parts of speech categorize words based on their roles in a sentence. By identifying and understanding these can help us improve writing and speaking skills. In today's post, we will see an overview of the eight parts of speech in English, including noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction and interjection. Each section will include definitions, examples and 10 practical sentences to understand them deeply.

Parts of Speech - 8 Types, Definitions, Examples and 10 Sentences
Parts of Speech - 8 Types, Definitions, Examples and 10 Sentences

What is Parts of Speech?

Parts of speech are labels to words based on their role in a sentence. Understanding them can help us analyze how words function in a sentence and improve our writing and speaking skill.

All the English words are usually divided into eight groups and each group is called part of speech.

8 different parts of speech are: - Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, and Interjection.

8 Parts of Speech - Definition and Examples

1. Noun

A noun is a naming word which describes the name of a person, animal, place, thing, feeling, day, month, or idea.
For example - Krishna, Nelson, Mohan, Delhi, Mumbai, cow, Sunday, cold, January, teacher, childhood, etc.

There are numerous types of nouns as well, including proper noun, common noun, collective noun, material noun, and abstract noun. These have unique definitions, and these are used in different cases.

10 Sentences of Nouns
  1. The cat chases the mouse.
  2. A dog is fetching the ball.
  3. The bird will build a nest.
  4. The sun warms the earth.
  5. The car will hit the tree.
  6. A tree is shading the house.
  7. The child draws a picture.
  8. The teacher grades the papers.
  9. Sita tells a story.
  10. Mohan is receiving a call.

2. Pronoun

A pronoun is a word which is used instead of a noun to prevent repetition of words. For example - Priya is my friend. She loves to play games. Here, 'she' is used in place of Priya. So, she is an example of pronoun.

10 Sentences of Pronouns
  1. John is a good student. He always does his homework on time.
  2. Sarah and I went to the park. We had a great time.
  3. The cat is hungry. It is looking for food.
  4. The children are playing outside. They are having fun.
  5. Maria found her book. She had left it in the library.
  6. This is my pen. Can you give it back to me?
  7. James and Linda are siblings. They love each other.
  8. The cake was delicious. Everyone enjoyed it.
  9. I will call you when I get home.
  10. The dog wagged its tail when it saw its owner.

3. Adjectives

An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun, or adds something to its meaning, giving more information about its qualities or characteristics. In other words, an adjective qualifies a noun or pronoun.

For example - some food, good boy, several questions, six girls, this book, any pen, etc. Here, some, good, several, six, this, any are examples of adjectives, because they give more information about nouns or pronouns.

10+ Sentences of adjectives
  1. The tall man walked down the street.
  2. She wore a beautiful dress in the party.
  3. The old house was full of memories.
  4. His new car is very fast.
  5. The taste of the green apple was sour.
  6. It's a sunny day outside.
  7. The young boy was very excited.
  8. Today, the sky is blue and clear.
  9. They live in a small village.
  10. He gave him a priceless gift.
  11. He has a kind heart.
  12. A busy city never sleeps.

4. Verbs

A verb is a word that describes an action, possession, relation or a state of being. Example: laugh, eat, read, play, dance, run, am, is, are, can, would, etc.

10 Sentences of Verbs
  1. He is reading a book.
  2. The teacher taught English.
  3. I love my father and mother.
  4. Why did he beat you?
  5. He was singing a song in the room.
  6. Birds sing in the trees.
  7. My mother loves me.
  8. He did the work.
  9. My father bought me a pen.
  10. He gave Ram a book.

5. Adverbs

An adverb is a word that adds something to the meaning of a verb, an adjective or an another adverb. Example: Slowly, carefully, loudly, very, too, soon, here, there, sadly, etc.

10 Sentences of Adverbs
  1. I always speak the truth.
  2. The child runs carefully.
  3. She is very beautiful.
  4. He does not read well.
  5. I shall come school soon.
  6. Yesterday Sita came here.
  7. She draws beautifully.
  8. She can hardly drive a car.
  9. He knows me very well.
  10. Slowly and sadly he spoke to me.

6. Prepositions

A preposition is a word that describes the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. A preposition often indicates relationships of time, place, direction, cause, manner, and possession.

Some Important Prepositions: in, into, on, at, to, of, with, without, between, under, over, below, near, after, before, for, up, since, from, during, by, behind, towards, about, till, until, like, as, etc.

10 Sentences of Prepositions
  1. The book is on the table.
  2. Let us move on.
  3. He is going to school.
  4. My mother came by bus.
  5. The fan is above me.
  6. She painted the picture with a brush.
  7. She is between Gita and Reena.
  8. I have no money for him.
  9. I have not seen her before.
  10. She has been waiting since morning.

7. Conjunctions

A conjunction is a part of speech that connects words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. Conjunctions are used to coordinate elements in a sentence and show the relationship between them. 
For e.g. - for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so, because, although, therefore, still, as well as, otherwise, when, if, after, since, where, while, as if, etc.

10 Sentences of Conjunctions
  1. Three and two makes five.
  2. Both Rahul and Rohit are intelligent.
  3. My friend is strong as well as humble.
  4. I like neither Rita nor Sneha.
  5. Don't leave before I come.
  6. If you work hard, you will pass.
  7. He is rich, because he did hard work.
  8. Stay till Sunday.
  9. I know the place where people live peacefully.
  10. We will go since you desire it.

8. Interjections

An interjection is a word or phrase that expresses some sudden emotion or reaction. Interjections are often used to convey feelings such as surprise, excitement, joy, disgust, or pain. Examples: ah, oh, wow, ouch, hey, hello, hush, alas, hurrah, etc.

10 Sentences of Interjections
    1. Wow! That was an amazing performance.
    2. Ouch! I just stubbed my toe.
    3. Hey! Don’t touch that, it’s hot.
    4. Oh, I didn’t realize you were here.
    5. Hooray! We won the championship!
    6. Oops! I accidentally spilled my coffee.
    7. Ah, now I get what you were saying.
    8. Bravo! You did a fantastic job.
    9. Oh no! I forgot my keys inside.
    10. Hmm, let me think about that for a moment.

    Parts of Speech Questions

    1. The cat chases the mouse.
    Ans. - cat: Noun
    chases: Verb
    mouse: Noun

    2. She wore a beautiful dress to the party.
    Ans. - She: Pronoun
    wore: Verb
    beautiful: Adjective
    dress: Noun
    to: Preposition
    party: Noun

    3. He is reading a book.
    Ans. - He: Pronoun
    is: Verb (auxiliary verb)
    reading: Verb
    book: Noun

    4. The child runs carefully.
    Ans. - child: Noun
    runs: Verb
    carefully: Adverb

    5. The book is on the table.
    Ans. - book: Noun
    is: Verb (auxiliary verb)
    on: Preposition
    table: Noun

    6. Both Rahul and Rohit are intelligent.
    Ans. - Rahul: Noun
    and: Conjunction
    Rohit: Noun
    are: Verb
    intelligent: Adjective

    7. Wow! That was an amazing performance.
    Ans. - Wow!: Interjection
    That: Pronoun
    was: Verb (auxiliary verb)
    amazing: Adjective
    performance: Noun

    8. John is a good student. He always does his homework on time.
    Ans. - John: Noun
    is: Verb (auxiliary verb)
    a: Adjective
    good: Adjective
    student: Noun
    He: Pronoun
    always: Adverb
    does: Verb
    homework: Noun
    on: Preposition
    time: Noun

    9. She is a very talented musician.
    Ans. - She: Pronoun
    is: Verb (auxiliary verb)
    a: Adjective
    very: Adverb
    talented: Adjective
    musician: Noun

    10. The teacher taught English.
    Ans. - teacher: Noun
    taught: Verb
    English: Noun

    11. Hooray! We won the championship!
    Ans. - Hooray!: Interjection
    We: Pronoun
    won: Verb
    championship: Noun

    12. The cake was delicious. Everyone enjoyed it.
    Ans. - cake: Noun
    was: Verb (auxiliary verb)
    delicious: Adjective
    Everyone: Pronoun
    enjoyed: Verb
    it: Pronoun

    13. He gave the book to her.
    Ans. - He: Pronoun
    gave: Verb
    book: Noun
    to: Preposition
    her: Pronoun

    14. If you work hard, you will pass.
    Ans. - If: Conjunction
    you: Pronoun
    work: Verb
    hard: Adverb
    will: Verb (auxiliary verb)
    pass: Verb

    15. Oops! I accidentally spilled my coffee.
    Ans. - Oops!: Interjection
    I: Pronoun
    accidentally: Adverb
    spilled: Verb
    my: Pronoun (possessive)
    coffee: Noun

    About the Author

    My name is Gyanesh Kushwaha, and I’m a college student who’s passionate about reading, writing and coding. I am here to share straightforward advice to students. So if you’re a student (high school, college, or beyond) looking for tips on studying, …


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